Short Facts about BPH, Prostate, Bladder, etc.

This is a collection of the past Weekly proudP Dose series poasted in the app.
Enjoy the reads!

The cause of BPH is not well established but it is believed that male sex hormone imbalance may play a role in BPH.

A normal-sized prostate is 25 grams, the size of a walnut. With BPH, prostate can reach over 80 grams, the size of a tennis ball.

BPH can often lead to urinary problems. If left untreated, urethra, bladder or kidneys may be affected in severe cases.

BPH is a natural part of aging. It becomes more common as you age and can cause urinary symptoms such as weak urine flow.

IPSS (International Prostate Symptom Score) tells you the severity of your urinary symptoms. Learn more from the Glossary page.

As men age, prostate can grow from the size of a walnut to about the size of a lemon.

The color of urine can tell you a lot. Dark urine can be a sign of dehydration. Keep yourself hydrated and proudP your bathroom trips.

The adult bladder can hold up to two cups of urine, but don’t wait until it is completely full.

Is urine good for plants? Urine is full of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, which are the nutrients plants need to thrive. Yes, human urine is a safe and very effective fertilizer for cabbage, beets, cucumbers, and tomatoes.

Urine is sterile in the bladder but can pick up bacteria from the urethra and air.

Ureters do not change much with age, but bladders and urethra do undergo some changes.

After a man urinates, the bulbospongiosus muscle contracts several times to void the remaining urine in urethra.

Ureter is the connector between each kidney and the bladder. The muscular walls squeeze small amounts of urine from the kidneys into the bladder every 10-15 seconds.

Vitamin C or some chemotherapy medicines can turn urine orange. Carrots can turn urine light orange.

Kidneys produce urine continuously, regardless if a person is sleeping or awake.

Urine is made up of 95% water. The rest is 2.5% urea and 2.5% salts, minerals, and other enzymes.

Beets, fava beans, blackberries, and rhubarb can turn urine reddish, or dark brown.

Asparagus or beets can harmlessly change the odor and color of urine.

Urine contains 3,000 components including sodium, potassium, and chloride.

The urine system removes extra water, salt, toxins, and other waste products from the blood.

The kidney can clear more than 1 million gallons of water in a lifetime. This could be enough to fill a small lake.

Urine stays in the bladder for up to 5 hours before discharge if the urinary system is healthy.

It is normal to go to the bathroom 4-8 times a day and no more than 2 times per night.

The world record for the longest pee is 508 seconds. That’s almost 8.5 minutes!

Most people feel the urge to urinate when the bladder fills about 236.6 mL of urine.

A bladder can stretch to hold about 470 mL of urine.


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